Photo Contest


The official PAC World photo contest is organized to coincide with the PAC World International Conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

We would like to recognize and reward attendees for work well done, and provide a showcase of some of the best photography. We urge contestants to be creative and imaginative, and want to challenge them to create works which are as good as they possibly can be.

Dates and General Information

The last day for submission to the Contest is 23 June, Monday at 23:00 - local BST time. Submission beyond this date cannot be accepted.

Judging and Awards

Entries will be made anonymous during the photo selection process. Contest winners will be announced at an awards ceremony held during the Gala dinner.

There will be prizes for First, Second and Third Place for each of two categories:

Electric Power – substations, transmission lines, equipment, people at work, etc.

General – nature, urban, people and whatever else beautiful or exciting you have captured with your camera

With our new Photo Gallery, we will also have a winner by popular vote. We're excited to see everyone's favorite choice. The popular voting will take place on 24 June 2024 during the conference with the winner being announced during the Gala dinner.

How to Enter

To enter, use the submit photo form to submit one picture at a time as a JPEG file. Please enter the required fields.

No logos, copyrights, names, dates, text or borders on the image, and when possible no metadata in the file.

The JPEG files should be saved at the highest quality (least compression).

Finalists will be asked to submit print-ready JPEG files at 300 dpi. The JPEG files should be saved at the highest quality (least compression).

Entries not able to fulfill these print requirements will be disqualified.

Note: PAC World will review and approve photos before they are displayed on the website so there may be a delay after your submission.